#1VIDEO.ZIP 195,033 05-23-96 PC_VIDEO Manager of Video-Cassette v1.00 byChristian Isabelle. All rights reserved.PC-VIDEO is a program that enables youcatalog your video tapes/discs w/pull-downmenus, search by title or category; label Dos
APSSB30.ZIP 886,113 08-16-96 StatTrak for Baseball 3.0 - Baseball/Softballstatistics management system for Win 3.x andWin 95. "Head and shoulders above any of theother programs...In short, there is only onereports, and VERY EASY TO USE!
ASTRO287.ZIP 503,343 06-11-96 ASTRO<ASP> The Program For AstrologicalAnalysis. A Powerful Astrology Program FullFeatured. Interprets. Produces Text Reportsand Graphics Cartwheels. Natal,Compatibility, Transits. Windows Versions are2.87
ASTRW117.ZIP 816,061 06-11-96 ASTRO For Windows Version 1.16 <ASP> A Fun,Full-featured, easy-to-use, Powerful,Astrology program for MS Windows 3.1. Natal,Compatability, and Transits. GraphicCartwheels and Text Reports.
AUNX13.ZIP 277,719 08-18-96 AudioNexus v1.3 (MS-DOS) - RCCO Research.Recordkeeping for collections of audiocassettes, CD's, LP's, DCC's, MiniDiscs andother formats. Attractive visually-orientedenvironment. Report writer plus album labels.
BDMIND1A.ZIP 1090,372 06-23-96 BirthdayMinder(tm) Event Reminder Never againforget anyone's birthday or anniversary againas BirthdayMinder will alert you as far inadvance as you choose each time you boot upWindows. Fun program also shows celebrity
BKNX13.ZIP 272,720 08-18-96 BooksNexus v1.3 (MS-DOS) - RCCO Research.Recordkeeping for individual or professionalcollections of books. Attractivevisually-oriented environment. Report writer,book labels. Various sort options. On-line
BURMA.ZIP 19,645 05-24-96 Burma Shave roadside ads 1927-1963. Vintagecollection of the rhymed highway signscompiled by author Dan Gookin ("DOS forDummies", etc.) Internet capture.
COELI376.ZIP 510,301 07-30-96 COELI v3.76 <ASP> - Electric planisphere.Super VGA model of the skies as seen fromEarth. Coeli combines practical ephemeris andplanetarium with real-time star chart. Viewthe heavens from any place or time with
CONX13.ZIP 263,786 08-18-96 CoinsNexus v1.3 (MS-DOS) - RCCO Research.Recordkeeping for individual or professionalcollections of coins. Attractivevisually-oriented environment. Report writerplus coin packet labels. 7 sort command
DATES607.ZIP 74,858 07-28-96 DATES.EXE (6.07): Program that warns you inadvance when an event like a birthday,anniversary, or holiday is coming up. Theidea is to give you advance warning so youcan send a card or get out of town in time.
DAYLOG30.ZIP 101,475 05-30-96 DAYLOG.EXE Ver3.0 <ASP> A program to listdifferent types of reminders in time & dateorder. They may be One Time, Annual, Weeklyor Monthly reminders. Weekly reminders keepthe same day & Monthly reminders keep their
FAMCAL20.ZIP 349,109 05-01-96 Family Calendar for Windows v2.0 <ASP> Printsfamily oriented, professional quality wallcalendars. Promotes family history and unity.Supports Int'l dates & A4 paper size. Autofont sizing. V2.0 adds screen review with
FCAST41W.ZIP 264,834 05-16-96 NFL FORECASTER FOR WINDOWS 4.1w <ASP> UsingONLY scores, it ranks teams & predictswinners & spreads of NFL games. Displays/prints 5 reports. 8 categories of statistics.Extensive on-line help. Easily customized.
FERRETV3.ZIP 144,429 05-27-96 The Ferret FAQ - Contains a huge amount ofinformation on the pet ferret ( Mustela Furo) such as, proper care, health concerns, andton's of other very helpful tips. Plus thevet Database that list veterinarians through
FISHDW11.ZIP 2298,943 05-08-96 FISHERMAN'S DELIGHT - v1.1 <ASP> Fishingsimulation offers trout, bass, sun- fish,catfish, and salmon fishing in lakes, rivers,and oceans. Fisherman selects rod, reel,line, bait, and the techniques for using
LOTTXD43.ZIP 159,208 05-21-96 Texlotto-Texas Lottery Analyzer V4.3 for DOS<ASP>. Easy to use menu driven program usesGraph, Grid and bar charts to show you whatnumbers are overdue, come up the most often,least often, match past winning numbers or
MBS109.ZIP 295,123 07-18-96 MicroFox Baseball Statistics for Windows.Keeps track of multiple years, leagues,teams, players, fields, umpires, standings,hitting, pitching, fielding, and schedules.User defined sorts, custom screen, help.
MRPOOLR.ZIP 251,072 06-12-96 Mr PoolRunner v1.0 Football Pool Allows youto quickly run a Football Pool. Program doesall the work. You simply download the statsand enter picks. Professional lookingreports. Shareware Requires VBRUN300 $20
MYSTAR23.ZIP 501,972 05-23-96 MyStars! Ver 2.3 Astronomy, planetarium forWindows. View the stars, planets, COMETS,Messier objects to scale as seen from anyplace on earth any date/time. Now with: Help,images, Zoom In/Out, Object tracking and
NUMER106.ZIP 266,560 06-11-96 NUMERO UNO<ASP> The Program For Numero-logical Analysis. A Powerful NumerologyProgram Full Featured. Interprets, ProducesText Reports, Calendars and data reports.Name and Birth Date Analysis, name transit
ODNFL41.ZIP 205,005 05-16-96 NFL FORECASTER FOR DOS 4.1d <ASP> Using ONLYscores, it ranks teams & predicts winners &spreads of NFL games. Displays/ prints 5reports. 8 categories of statistics.Extensive on-line help. Easily customized.
OHIO.ZIP 85,636 08-13-96 Paulding Ohio Crop Circle - A literal 'CircleHappened on July 18, 1996
PMPFL201.ZIP 2876,876 06-11-96 PredMan - Pro Football 2.0 An office poolmanager for NFL games. This program helps youcustomize, track, and and manage your officepool. Customization options include use ofpoint spreads, confidence points,
PMSCR101.ZIP 2655,781 06-11-96 PredMan - Stock Car 1.0 An office poolmanager for the Stock Car racing season. Thisprogram helps you customize, track, and andmanage your office pool. Customizationoptions include finishing position points. It
PX1.ZIP 1126,883 07-03-96 Program X is an integrated & low cost FringeDatabase and Analysis Program. A few feature+ Biorythms, Numerology, Astrology & Psi Modu+ Add, Edit and print Data + Share SightingsGraphics
QFORT10.ZIP 368,281 05-30-96 Quick Fortunes for Windows v1.00 <ASP> Fourtraditional methods for telling your fortunequickly. One-card, three-cards, dice anddominoes. Fortunes can be printed, and makegreat party favors. Lots of fun! $10
SSCOR802.ZIP 753,116 06-29-96 Soccer ScoreSheet v8.02 <ASP>. MS Windowsapplication for Soccer league datamanagement, with advanced features forfootball pools prediction. Highly userconfigurable, with graphical analysis,
THP_21A.ZIP 508,796 07-09-96 THOROUGHBRED HANDICAPPER PRO for Windowsv2.1a <ASP> - T.H.P. is a completethoroughbred handicapping system! Powerful,yet easy to use, it combines commonly usedhandicapping techniques to calculate point
ULSD144.ZIP 251,238 05-11-96 _____ UNIVERSAL LOTTERY SYSTEM v1.44 ______.Easy to setup for all types of Lotto games.Create databases to record winning sets ofnumbers from previous draws. Shows count ofhow many times each number has been drawn.
VDNX13.ZIP 282,951 08-18-96 VideoNexus v1.3 (DOS) - RCCO Research.Recordkeeping for collections of videocassettes and laser discs. Attractivevisually-oriented environment. Report writerplus video labels. 7 sort command options.
VIDMW230.ZIP 1049,113 05-12-96 VideoMaster For Windows 2.30 <ASP> Videocataloging & labeling system that has theMOST flexibility for users. Standard entries,3 user defined/ named fields, plus a Synopsisof up to 2000 lines. 4 label styles/sizes.
WG1.ZIP 645,212 05-03-96 WeatherCaster Gold is an integrated and low cDatabase and Analysis Program. A few feature+ Weather Forecaster + Add, Edit and printDaily Data + Monthly and Yearly Summaries +18 Unique Pie and Line Charts + Weather
WINES102.ZIP 756,856 05-15-96 Cellar Master v1.00 <ASP> Wine Cellar Managerfor Windows Keep track of your wine cellarwith this program. See wines ready to bedrunk, or about to go over the hill
WINTD.ZIP 861,442 08-17-96 WINTD v0.99 - Windows Tournament Director.Windows-based program for running chesstournaments. Can be used for both general &scholastic tournaments. Compatible withWIndows 3.1, 95 and NT. Demo version
WNFL205A.ZIP 1176,757 06-16-96 Winfoil Version 2.0.5 <ASP> - Disk 1 of 2. AWindows program for plotting Model AircraftAirfoil sections and designing wing andtails. Fast on-screen plotting airfoils,wing/tail designs. Automatic panelling for
WNFL205B.ZIP 441,943 06-16-96 Winfoil Version 2.0.5 <ASP> - Disk 2 of 2. AWindows program for plotting Model AircraftAirfoil sections and designing wing andtails. Fast on-screen plotting airfoils,wing/tail designs. Automatic panelling for
X10MSW30.ZIP 206,612 05-02-96 Windows Home Automation application for X10CP-290 controller version 3.0.4 (4/96)